June 14, 2012

Golden Rules to Entrepreneurship for Dummies. Not!

Recently I was just listening to someone give a talk about entrepreneurship.
He said these are the golden rules of entrepreneurship, and if you follow them you will succeed... the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

They are no rules to entrepreneurship and start-ups. Its about hard work, trying to learn all the time, being on your toes and when you fall (trust me you will fall) being able to pick yourself up and keep going.

There are many great examples of successful entrepreneurs, and its always great to hear their story, what they thought or did to make it happen. Creating a successful start-up not a math problem! Its not like you can follow a bunch a rules and success is guaranteed. Some make it, but most don't.

Successful stories of start-ups can be a great source of inspiration and hopefully they can motivate us to go out there and make our start-up dreams a reality. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own story to share!

I don't read a lot, but lately I've been reading a bio about RFK and I think these words embody what you, I and every entrepreneur should do:

"Heaven knows it's going to require all the brains anyone has to work out a satisfactory existence, and the only way to do that is to be well prepared, stick in there and work as hard as you possibly can".

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