April 5, 2013

Never Let go of the Fear of Failure

"Happy families are all alike. Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
Tolstoy’s comment applies to failed entrepreneurial ventures. The reasons entrepreneurs fail varies as the entrepreneurs themselves.

Last October on Linkedin Answers someone started a thread: "What is the ONE fear you had to let go of to become successful in your line of business?". Most people answered something about overcoming the fear of failure.

Overcoming the fear of failure is the formula to success?
I never want to let go of the fear of failure, because it drives us to succeed. Its the only thing that will keep you alive in the jungle!

I hate failing, everyone does. I don't think I've ever learned anything from failure.
The important thing about failure is not what we learned, but finding the courage to pick ourselves up and do it again.

If there's a good thing about failure, I guess its that we know which way not to go, what didn't work and what decisions were wrong. Failure is only a process to eliminate the wrong. It certainly cannot teach us what works. Vulcans and computers use the process of elimination to work out solutions :)

Past success cannot guarantee that our future endeavors will be successful. We just have better odds, because we've done it before and we have a sense of moving in the right direction.

Never get too comfortable. Never let go of the fear of failure.

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