September 3, 2012

No goodbyes... Farewell!

The saying “Burn The Ships” comes from the conquest of the new world, when Spanish Conquistador Cortez landed on the shores of Yucatan and decided to burn his ships. With no middle ground or way to escape, everything became very simple: Succeed or fail.

Last week I made a similar decision. 

In a couple of days I'll be going to Boston and staying for a few months or longer, to work on a new project I've been planning or other opportunities that may come my way.  I'm very excited because my experiences over the past 20 years in Greece, has prepared me for this. Still its a tough decision, but one that will allow me to maximize my efforts and accomplish so much more.

Being an internet entrepreneur in Greece and in other countries in the region, has given me the opportunity to learn so much about starting, building and growing a business. And even though the environment is not entrepreneur-friendly, its a great training ground that can prepare someone with very important lessons, working for themselves or others: doing things with less resources, negotiating everything and the perseverance to carry on when everything is against you.  

In all my ventures the people were the most important element, and will always be part of my family. Working in a start-up creates a certain kind of bond between people, very similar to the relationships people make when they've been together in war. I will miss not being in the office with all of you! 

Even though I will not be down the hall, I will be there digitally, and continue to be involved with rubicon, tsoonami, gelo and anemone.

No goodbyes, farewell!

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