February 6, 2010

The State of E-commerce in Greece

I have been working on a presentation about the E-commerce landscape in Greece (from various sources). Things are starting to look very interesting. If you have any data that could be useful to others, please send to me so I can add. The presentation is in greek [E-commerce in Greece, Jan 2010]


Anonymous said...

louis the data sources in the ppt is not representative as e-commerce in Greece but more or less e-catalog sales. the bulk of the numbers you have are from e-shop and plaisio which is not real e-commerce.

why dont you try to get REAL data from ebay or amazon now that you still can. ebay is setting up to send an email to all merchants globally to be cautious shipping to greece due to postal fraud.

Unknown said...

I dont know what you mean by "now that you still can" but if you know how to access this data, I would appreciate if you send it to me and I will include it in the presentation.

Thank you for your input, -lh

Anonymous said...

by "now that you still can" i mean to try to get some data from ebay now that the majority of merchants are still shipping to greece and info might be available.

have you seen what has happened to countries that have been on the blacklist of the "ebay ship to countries"? (search for: "High-Risk Countries to Avoid Shipping")

Accessing that kind of info requiers either contacting ebay (which i doubt they would release such info) or networking with some people inside ebay which i am sure you should know with your experience and know-how. :)